64 Free Timer Stock Videos

All timer stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Clock, Time, Close Up, Black Background, Board Game, Chess and Game.

Slowly approaching a clock on a black background

Slowly approaching a black wall clock with a white dial on a dark background, while its hands move very quickly.

Analog wall clock on a black background in a closed socket

Circular analog wall clock, in a closed socket, on a black background, while the socket follows the second hand from 11 to 1.

Sand falling from an hourglass on a black background

White sand falling into an hourglass made of clear glass, viewed from the front on a black background.

Hands holding a smart watch with the stopwatch running

Hands of a man holding a smart watch with the stopwatch running, when at one point he stops it by touching the screen with his thumb.

Woman turning off her alarm clock in the morning

Desk next to a bed, with a cell phone, glasses and an alarm clock, with a woman in the background out of focus, when the alarm clock starts to ring and she turns it off wrongly.

Alarm clock ringing on a wooden table

Metal alarm clock on a wooden surface, ringing with its little hammer rapidly striking the chimes at the top.

Glass hourglass close up on a black background

Connector hole of a clear glass hourglass, as the sand passes downward, in a detailed shot on a black background.

Digital clock in the dark marking midnight

Gray digital clock with black screen and large red numbers, in the dark, while changing from 11:59 to 12:00.

Watch on a man's wrist in a very close shot

Wrist watch in the hand of a man in a very closed, beautiful shot repeatedly a button that moves all the hands quickly.

Elegant man in suit checks the time on his luxurious watch

Torso of an elegant man in a suit, in a close black and white shot, as he slowly checks his luxurious watch.

Timer of a Smartphone in a close-up shot

Timer on a smartphone atop a wooden table reaching zero, in a close-up shot.

An hourglass and an analog wall clock

A white hourglass made of glass, in the foreground with an out-of-focus analog wall clock in the background.

Alarm clock activated close up on a black background

Small hammer of a metal alarm clock rapidly striking the bells, seen up close, on a dark background.

Animated pedestrian traffic light with a reverse timer

Pedestrian traffic light on the street with a reverse timer and an animated walking person in green led lights.

White sand falling inside an hourglass

A cluster of white sand that cascades into an hourglass seen in a very close shot, on a black background.

Smart watch with timer held by a woman

Hands of a woman holding a smart watch, while the timer finishes its count.

Top of a wall clock in a close-up shot

Top of a round black wall clock with a white dial, in a close-up shot, showing the second hand slowly moving through the numbers.

Hourglass in the dark finishes its count

Oscillating light illuminates a glass hourglass from darkness by stopping its count against a dark background, slowly returning to darkness.

Hourglass close up on a black background seen from above

White hourglass close up from above on a black background, as the sand falls through the connector hole, making a small hole in the center of the sand.

Roman numeral church clock moving fast

Modern church clock with Roman numerals and black hands in close-up shot as the minute hand ticks forward.

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