176 Free Drum Stock Videos

All drum stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Drums, Music, Musician, Drummer, Rock, Record Studio and Musical Instrument.

Very close shot of the hands of a girl playing the bass

Very close view of the hands of a young woman playing electric bass, while performing with her band in a studio.

Three girls jamming in a music studio as a band

Musical group of three girls who play drums, guitar and bass, in a recording studio booth between microphones and other equipment.

Guitarist girl singing in a studio in a close shot

Close-up view of a girl playing an electric guitar and singing into a microphone in a recording studio, with equipment and acoustic treatment around.

Skilled drummer wearing headphones moves his feet fast while jaming on a music studio

Talented drummer playing in a studio with headphones in a shot from the floor that shows his great double pedal technique.

Musician playing drums on stage

A man playing the drums during a band plays on stage. Live concert being recorded with microphones. Close up of a drummer with drumsticks at a live event.

Female drummer playing and singing in the studio

Young female drummer playing and singing in a recording studio between microphones and acoustic panels, in a close-up shot.

Female drummer of a band playing in a studio

Talented female drummer part of a band, playing in a studio and singing, surrounded by microphones, music stands and acoustic panels.

Shadow of a drummer playing on a green background

Shadow of a talented drummer playing a drum kit with great skill and expertise, on a light green background.

Bass guitarist and drummer on stage

Rock band video. Video of a man playing the electric guitar and a man playing the drums. Guitarist fingers strum and pluck electric bass guitar. A drummer performing at night during a live concert or event. Drummer wearing glasses. Drummer’s hands while playing drums live performance. Video with gig shallow depth of field. Live rock event. Rock band.

Drummer using drumsticks

Top view video of a drummer playing drums with drumsticks.

Girl playing electric guitar in a very close view

Female guitarist playing with her band in a recording studio, in a close shot of her electric guitar while she plays it.

Girl playing bass in a close shot of her hands

Young woman playing electric bass with her band in a studio, in a very close shot of her hands and her bass.

Drummer playing the drums

A sitting drummer playing the drums with drum sticks, in the background a guitarist with an electric guitar

Female guitarist playing a solo in a close shot

Close-up shot of the hands of a female guitarist playing a solo with her blue electric guitar, in a studio.

Rock band live performance

Singer on stage wearing a Christmas Santa hat holding a microphone on a stage with lights and her rock band playing a song.

Three girls band playing music in a recording studio

Musical band made up of three women who play guitar, bass and drums, playing in a studio, in a long shot.

Close up shot of a drummer playing in a studio

Close view of a drum kit with microphones in a studio, while a drummer skillfully plays.

Amateur rock band rehearsing

A guitarist, drummer and bassist rehearse a song in an anti-noise studio.

Female drummer performing with her band in a studio

Musical group of women playing in a studio, in a shot focused on the talented drummer who plays and sings.

Drummer playing with double pedal

Close view of a drummer's bass drum while a drummer plays with the double pedal skillfully in a shot that goes down a bit revealing his tennis shoes.

Female musicians playing in a studio

Three talented girls who make up a band, playing drums, guitar and bass in a recording studio between microphones, equipment and acoustic panels.

Close view of a girl playing the bass with her pedals

Very close view of a girl bassist turning on one of her pedals and playing her bass, while performing with her band in a studio.

Rock band playing a song on stage

A guitarist and a drummer playing a song on a stage with red lighting.

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