407 Free Europe Stock Videos

All europe stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out City, Tourism, Architecture, Building, Germany, Flag and International.

Pair of brown bears in the field

A couple of brown bears rest in the field, one of them is eating. Brown rocks in the background

Big Ben clock time lapse

Time lapse of the clock on top of Big Ben in London England with clouds passing in the background

Tour along the coast

Time lapse of a tour of the coast with palm trees, people walking and buildings in the background

Time lapse of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris from afar

Time lapse of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris from afar during the day, city roofs, cars and clouds moving in the blue sky

Venice central canal at night

Venice central canal at night, with people walking along the banks, and a couple of boats sailing slowly, with the light of the lanterns illuminating the beautiful Italian architecture.

Arc de Triomphe roundabout by day

Arc de Triomphe roundabout on a sunny day, with people and traffic around it. The sky and departments in the background

Swans swimming on the banks of a river

Swans swimming on the banks of the Vltava river in Prague, with a beautiful bridge in the distance and the beautiful architecture of the city, during a sunset.

Panoramic view of Barcelona at night

Time lapse of a panoramic view of barcelona at night with a statue and buildings in the background. View from Monte Jiuc.

Narrow and old alley in Venice

Slow walk in first person through a narrow and ancient alley of Venice, with many balconies.

Large ferris wheel in London

Time-lapse shot of a large ferris wheel in the shore of the city next to a river with ferries passing by.

A calm street in Paris

Street in Paris on a sunny day, with bikes in the foreground, people walking around, shops and cars passing in the background, buildings have volcanoes on their windows.

Lovers walking hand in hand on a date

Lovers holding hands while eating ice cream walking on the sidewalk of a big European city on a date.

Navigating the central canal of Venice

Navigating the central canal of Venice overlooking the beautiful Italian neo-classical architecture illuminated at night and the boats floating on the coast.

Mime in front of the Eiffel tower

Funny mime with orange cap, in Paris in front of the Eiffel tower, during a clear afternoon.

Canal and street scene in amsterdam

Time lapse of an Amsterdam canal, in the background the street with buildings and cars parked under a blue sky with clouds

Italy's iconic city

Italy's iconic tourist town full of buildings with tile roofs, temples and monuments, in the background there are mountains full of vegetation.

View from the top of the city of Barcelona

Seen from the top of the city of Barcelona during a sunrise, you can see the little lights go out, and the horizon to the sea.

French flag being waved

Low view of a flag of the country of France in Europe being waved under the sky.

Lovers with a map in the middle of the street

Couple fooling around with the sunset sun in front, while looking for a place on a map in the middle of the street of a big city. Travelers looking for attractions. In love on their honeymoon.

Rooftops of Barcelona

Silhouettes of the rooftops of Barcelona filmed from a terrace in the centre of the city with clouds passing by.

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