532 Free Drone Stock Videos

All drone stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Aerial, Nature, Landscape, Forest, Technology, Business & Tech and Mountain.

A snow-capped mountain peak densely covered with trees on its slopes under a clear blue sky

A snow-capped mountain peak rises majestically, its slopes densely cloaked with verdant trees, all set against the backdrop of a pristine, clear blue sky.

Landscape of a large lake during sunset from the air

Beautiful landscape in a large lake, flying low, passing between its small tree-covered islands, and revealing the yellow reflection of the sunset sun in the water, and on the horizon the silhouettes of an immense mountain range.

Aerial view of a forest with cabins

Aerial view of a green forest with several cabins with rustic tiles during the tour

Close-up view of a drone flying outdoors

Close up view of a drone flying outdoors on a sunny day, with the blue sky with clouds in the background.

Man in hard hat watching drone fly

A man wearing a checkered shirt, a yellow hard hat and a yellow vest watches a black drone fly, a building under construction in the background.

Aerial view of a lush forest with a small green meadow on a sunny day

As the camera soars high above, it unveils a verdant tapestry of towering trees, their canopies forming a lush green blanket.

Drone view over trees

Drone flying over a forest recording trees and fields during the day.

Aerial view of a wooded landscape in the morning

Aerial view at dawn of a wooded landscape with clouds and mist with shadows projecting on the ground

Big lake with small paradise islands

Flying over a calm blue water lake near small islands, and two small boats crossing the turquoise water, during a beautiful afternoon.

Aerial view of a green forest with mountains and lakes

Aerial view at sunset of a green forest and some houses in the center with mountains and lakes in the background

Drone in the sky at a city

A drone flying and recording in the city between large buildings.

Aerial view of rocks in the countryside

Aerial view of rocks in a field with green grass on a cloudy day with the forest in the background

Aerial view of a green field with rivers

Aerial view tour of a green field with rivers and a lagoon in the background with distant mountains

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