18 Free Addict Stock Videos

All addict stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Drug, Depression, Emotion, Emotions, Cigarette, Sad and Smoking.

Representation of a man tormented by his demons

Black and white conceptual representation of a man tormented by his demons, showing concern, on a white cloth background with hands touching it.

Addicted woman surrounded by her vices

Addicted woman sitting on a sofa, smelling a cigarette, surrounded by bottles of alcohol, pills and rolled banknotes.

Face of a scared and sad man

Face of a scared and sad man, with his hand on his face, showing concern, on a white cloth background with hands moving it.

Face of a very upset man

Face of a very upset man looking at the camera with a lot of hatred, on a white cloth background with moving moans.

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