116 Free Advertising Stock Videos

All advertising stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Drink, Conceptual, Dessert, Splash, Abstract and Awesome.

Demonstration video of a steaming cup of coffee

Demonstrative video of a cup of steaming coffee, decorated with dried fruit and cinnamon, on a surface of coffee beans and a brown background.

Dynamic animation of the head of a screaming man

Dynamic and striking animation of the blue head of a screaming man with exposed brain, hypnotic spiral glasses, with a rapidly spinning red and yellow spiral background.

Strange and colorful video of a man removing his face

Strange and bizarre video of a man who with his hand removes his face as if it were a mask, showing that there is an abstract liquid of many colors inside.

Leaning glass on a black background filled with red wine

Close-up and profile view of a tilted glass goblet against a black background, as a person pours red wine straight from the bottle.

Center of the street in Times Square

Shot from the center of the street in Times Square on a sunny day, cars pass, people walk on sidewalks, buildings as far as the eye can see, and illuminated signs covering them.

Abstract video of a man with heads like matrushka

Abstract video of a man with an open head from which more heads come out as if it were a matrushka, in black and white, on a white background with lines that resemble old films.

Conceptual image of a man with glasses and hair with sky clouds

Image of a man from the front, dressed in black, with drop glasses that reflect the moon and round hair with moving clouds in the sky in black and white, and a background of red rings.

Abstract photograph of a woman crying ocean waves

Photograph of a woman with piercings, with erased eyes and a strip under one eye, with foamy waves in the sea in the background, simulating that the girl cries ocean waves.

Woman hugging space in human form

Abstract moving image of a short-haired woman hugging someone made of moving stars and nebulae.

Abstract image of a man with rays coming out of his eyes

Conceptual video of the image of a man in black and white, wearing a shirt and suspenders, with yellow rays coming out of his eyes.

Abstract photograph of a man in motion

Photograph of a man on a blue background, with a crumpled sheet on top in which the photograph comes to life and the man slowly turns to the front.

Pouring champagne into a glass goblet on a dark background

Pouring bubbly champagne into an elongated glass goblet, viewed up close against a black background, with a glass bottle in the middle.

Animated picture of a gothic woman smoking

Abstract animated photo of a woman with short hair, with tattoos and piercings, with the gray background of moving clouds, and with a cigarette in her mouth with animated smoke.

Pouring red wine in a glass seen on a black background

Glass goblet on a dark background, while red wine is being poured into it.

One Coffee Cup in a Sea of Coffee Beans

Cup of hot coffee on a plate with cinnamon and orange close to the sides, on a surface with many coffee beans, and a brown background.

Abstract video of a woman holding the moon in her hands

Abstract animation of an image of a gothic woman, with tattoos and piercings, while holding the bright and rotating moon in her hands which is connected by cables through a rectangular hole in her chest, with the space filled with stars in the background.

Animated photograph of planets orbiting a woman

Animated photograph of the face of a woman with short hair, tattoos and piercings, while some planets orbit around her.

Cup of coffee among many coffee beans

Very close shot that goes over a cup of coffee on a surface with many coffee beans, on a brown background.

Parcel delivery man making a confident gesture

Parcel clerk slowly approaching with a package on his shoulder, he stops, smiles, and raises his fist with his thumb up, in a gesture of confidence.

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