18 Free Aerial Dance Stock Videos

All aerial dance stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dance, Dancing, Contemporary Dance, Performing Arts, Dancer, Circus and Dark room.

Man and woman doing aerial aerobics

A man wearing black pants and a woman wearing a black leotard spin in the air, suspended by silk hangings.

Couple performing on circus ropes

Aerial silk dancers performing in slow motion.

Circus performers on ropes

Male and female aerial silk dancers moving in slow motion.

Woman stretching next to a window

A woman with long blonde hair in a ponytail wearing activewear stands next to a window stretching.

Snowy slope and pine tree cover in Canada

Relief of a snow covered and pine covered slope and a couple of skiers during a sunny day.

Contemporary dance in an abandoned place

Aerial shot of an abandoned place with dust floating around and a female contemporary dancer performing dance steps.

Aerial view of the beautiful turquoise waves crashing on the sand beach with white umbrellas

An aerial perspective unveils a captivating panorama of a pristine sandy beach kissed by beautiful turquoise waves. The rhythmic crash of the waves against the shore creates a mesmerizing dance of frothy white, while scattered white umbrellas dot the coastline, providing a contrast to the vivid hues of the sea.

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