392 Free Agriculture Stock Videos

All agriculture stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Field, Aerial, Countryside, Crops, Farm, Animal and Food.

Countryside meadow

Beautiful countryside meadow during summer with trees, grass and little yellow flowers in the ground on a sunny day.

Time lapse of a green meadow

Time lapse of a green meadow with clouds moving in the sky casting their shadows

Friends with colored smoke bombs

Young people enjoying colorful smoke bombs on a great plain, with trees on the horizon, on a sunny afternoon.

Happy girl jumping with a smoke flare

Happy and funny girl jumping in circles with an orange smoke bomb, in a wheat field, during with sunny day.

Aerial view of an agriculture field at the morning

Aerial motion video made with a camera drone. Agriculture fields and a mountain at the background with clear blue sky.

Cow in a stable chewing its food

Close-up view of a cow in a stable surrounded by more cows, while it chews its food.

Calves feeding in a meadow with grass

Group of calves of various sizes and colors in a meadow covered with grass, as they walk and feed.

Aerial view of agriculture field

Beautiful aerial motion video of an agriculture field made with a drone. Green fields in a sunny late afternoon in a nature place. The sun dazzles the camera drone.

Castle and beautiful garden

English castle in the countryside with a beautiful garden with grass and trees on a clear day

Greenhouses near the coast

Greenhouses near the coast, mountains in the background and the sun shining on the water.

Aerial view of a road that crosses through nature

Aerial view of a road with cars and trailers that crosses through nature, fields of crops and hills covered with trees.

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