144 Free Aircraft Stock Videos

All aircraft stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Airplane, Airport, Plane, Planes, Sky, Transport and Travel.

Pink sunset seen from a plane window

View from a plane window while it flies in the sky over the clouds before a pink sunset.

Flight getting ready for departure

Flight preparing for departure. Airport workers prepare a plane for takeoff while passengers enter the aisle.

Sky through a plane window

View from the window of an airplane in flight on a sunny day, you can see an airplane wing and a turbine, the fluffy white clouds below, the sun on top, the blue sky in the background.

Panorama from the window of an airplane at dusk

Panorama from an airplane window at dusk, with land and a lake below, and the airplane wing to one side.

Plane flying over a city at night

Airplane flying over an illuminated city as night falls with the sky covered in clouds, seen from a window above a wing.

Outside a plane window

View from a plane window as it lands in an airport near from the seashore.

Passenger plane preparing for takeoff

Passenger plane preparing for takeoff near the runway at the airport. Airport staff preparing a flight with a FedEx transport plane in the background.

Slowly peering out of an airplane window

Shot by slowly leaning out of an airplane window, revealing the ground below and the airplane's wing.

Plane landing on the track in the airport

Video of a commercial plane landing on the runway of an airport seen from outside behind a metal mesh.

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