45 Free Alarm Stock Videos

All alarm stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Clock, Time, Bedroom, Morning Routine, Bed, Sleep and Close Up.

Detailed wrist watch while working

Wrist watch seen in detail while its second hand goes through the numbers.

Woman turning off her alarm clock in the morning

Desk next to a bed, with a cell phone, glasses and an alarm clock, with a woman in the background out of focus, when the alarm clock starts to ring and she turns it off wrongly.

Alarm clock ringing on a wooden table

Metal alarm clock on a wooden surface, ringing with its little hammer rapidly striking the chimes at the top.

Countdown on a digital counter

Countdown from 15 on a digital counter with green numbers and a black background.

Woman turning off her alarm clock

Woman turning off her alarm clock upon waking up in the morning at 7am, lying on her bed in her pajamas.

Sleeping man is awakened by his cell phone alarm

Man sleeping peacefully, when he is awakened by the alarm on his cell phone in his desk and disgusted, he postpones it and goes back to sleep.

Metal bells alarm clock

Metallic alarm clock with bells on a surface while its hands move fast.

Digital clock in the dark marking midnight

Gray digital clock with black screen and large red numbers, in the dark, while changing from 11:59 to 12:00.

A young man turns off the alarm clock by the bedside

A young black man lying on the bed extends his hand to switch off his buzzing alarm clock sitting on books by the side of the bed.

Alarm clock activated close up on a black background

Small hammer of a metal alarm clock rapidly striking the bells, seen up close, on a dark background.

Young woman wakes up quickly and restlessly in her bed

Young woman awakens and rises quickly and agitatedly from her bed, turning around quickly, then puts her hand to her eyes.

Frustrated boy in his bed for not being able to sleep

Man lying on his bed, restless, adjusting his pillow and moving a lot, not being able to sleep, when he finally gives up and takes his cell phone from the bureau.

Woman waking up while turning off her alarm clock

Woman in bed waking up while turning off her blue alarm clock, which is in her bureau, next to a small plant.

Alarm clock on a table while time flies by

Alarm clock on a wooden table next to a small candle, an instant camera and a notebook.

A young man wakes up and turns the alarm clock off

In the morning routine, a young man gently wakes up and switches off his buzzing alarm clock.

Silencing the alarm clock in the morning

Sleepy woman, she stretches out her hand to turn off her blue alarm clock with a rate, a lamp and a plant around her, in a white room.

Thief tries unsuccessfully to steal a car tire

Thief arrives quickly with a wheel wrench to steal the tire of a white car parked on the street, when the alarm suddenly starts to sound and he runs away.

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