40 Free American Football Stock Videos

All american football stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Football, Sport, Sportswear, Training, Player, Warm Up and Medium Shot.

Jumps of a football player in a training

Shot of the feet of a football player jumping in a night training wearing a football helmet.

Football team practicing a strategie play

Football team practicing a strategie play, during a night practice on a football court.

Flying over a sports center

View of adjoining soccer fields from above on an aerial tour above a large park at night.

Football player blocked by opponents

Football player running with the ball being blocked by a couple of opponents during a night game or training.

Three football players training at night

Three football players practicing, they try to stop the runner with the ball, in a night training.

Portrait of a confident football player

Portrait of a confident soccer player, with ball in hand, helmet and all his equipment on a field at night.

Portrait of a football player training

Portrait of a football player training in a sports center, jumping during a training session at night.

Football team stretching in the football court

Football team stretching their bodies together, sitting on the grass of a field, during a night practice.

Portrait of a quarterback throwing the ball

Portrait of a skilled quarterback throwing a pass during a night practice at a sports center.

Football player warming up

Football player warming up on a marked grass court, as he takes it slowly from his feet to his head.

Football ball spinning to a stop

Soccer ball spinning to a stop on the painted grass of a professional field.

Quarterback trying to pass between his opponents

Quarterback with the ball trying to get past his opponents during a night football game or training.

Football players practicing ball passes

Football players practicing passing the ball in a training session during the night, in a professional field.

Quarterback training his passes

Quarterback practicing and improving his throwing skills at a practice night.

Night training of a football team

Night training for a football team, a receiver jumps to catch the ball on a pass.

Portrait of a motivated football player

Portrait of a motivated football player on a field at night, with a ball, a helmet and all his gear on.

Close shot of a quarterback doing a pass

Close up shot of a quarterback receiving the ball and doing a quick pass, during a night practice.

Football team practicing passes

Football team practicing passes, at a sports center, during a night practice.

Intimidating football player in front of the camera

Portrait of an intimidating football player in front of the camera, playing with the ball in his hands, on a field lit up at night.

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