17 Free Animal Observation Stock Videos

All animal observation stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Animal, Pet, Zoo, Animals, Dog, Dog Owner and Pet Owner.

Father and daughter together watching television with their little dog

Father and daughter sitting in a room surrounded by stuffed animals while watching TV and reacting together with laughter, the father has a small white dog on his legs.

Christmas morning between mother and daughter

Christmas morning between mother and daughter, sitting on a rug at the foot of a Christmas tree, watching playing with a stuffed animal.

A woman with her dog watching the sunset

A woman with her dog, watching from above, the city in the distance, while the sun sets on the horizon at dusk.

Girl in a park carrying and petting her Cocker Spaniel

Young woman in nature seen up close, while holding and petting her little Cocker Spaniel, lovingly watching him and then turning directly to the lens.

Young woman appreciating horses during a ride with roller skates

A girl with roller skates leaning against a fence, watching the horses on the other side, turns around and skates down a lonely street.

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