196 Free Apartment Stock Videos

All apartment stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Building, City, Buildings, Medium Shot, Urban, Couple and Woman.

Buildings under construction, aerial view

High point of view of a building under construction with cranes around it between the buildings of a large metropolis. Aerial view to the skyline of the City of London with the construction of new buildings.

Tour along the coast

Time lapse of a tour of the coast with palm trees, people walking and buildings in the background

Interior of a room with terrace

Interior of a room with a bed, air conditioning, a dressing table and a terrace overlooking the sea with a table for two

New York City View at Night

View of New York City at night from Brooklyn Bridge with cars and clouds passing at high speed

Man eats watching television on a rainy night

Man eating nuggets and an ear of corn sitting on a sofa, while watching television very entertainingly and the window lights up the night with thunder.

Man moves with virtual reality glasses

A bearded man sits on a yellow couch in front of a large window wearing virtual reality glasses. He stands and reaches out his hands in reaction to what he sees on the device.

Rooftops of Barcelona

Silhouettes of the rooftops of Barcelona filmed from a terrace in the centre of the city with clouds passing by.

Annoyed woman talking on the phone

Woman talking annoyed on the phone, standing near a window overlooking the city at night, with some lights in the background standing out in the dark.

Clouds behind an apartment building

A tall apartment building stands in front of a blue sky with white clouds.

A young man laying on the comfy couch of his apartment wearing a VR glasses headset is scrolling with his bare hads in the air

A young man lies comfortably on the plush couch of his apartment, completely immersed in a virtual reality experience. Wearing a VR glasses headset, he scrolls through content with his bare hands, moving them gracefully in the air to navigate the digital world.

Basketball players stacking hands

Street basketball team motivate themselves in a circle and cheer with their hands, with apartment buildings in the background, and the board with the ring, during a sunny day.

Girl welcomes her friend at home with a hug

Young woman opens the door of her apartment and welcomes her friend with a hug, while walk together into the house.

Large buildings from the window of a train

City of tall buildings seen from the window of a moving train, during a sunny afternoon.

Floating dock with anchored boats

Pier floating calmly over the sea near the shore with boats anchored during a cloudy day with no people on it.

Girls talking sitting on a sofa

Friends talking about life sitting on a sofa, inside an apartment.

Large city buildings

Some large buildings in a city on a sunny day with clear blue sky in the background.

Two corporate buildings of a city

Two tall corporate buildings in a city during the day with a blue cloudy sky.

Coast of a big city

Coast of a city of large skyscrapers, with boats and sailboats, during a cloudy afternoon.

Point of view o a man´s hands interacting with an invisible digital realm on a softly lit modern apartment

From a first-person perspective, a man's hands elegantly maneuver through an invisible digital realm in a softly lit, modern apartment. His gestures are precise and deliberate, navigating virtual interfaces with seamless ease. Soft ambient lighting accentuates the sleek, contemporary surroundings, blending the boundaries between physical and digital realms effortlessly.

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