50 Free Atmospheres Stock Videos

All atmospheres stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Space, Earth, Woman, Medium Shot, Close Up, Young and Clouds.

Clouds under the atmosphere

Upper view of clouds in Earth's atmosphere. It provides a unique view of the cloudy formations that shape our planet's weather patterns.

Beer bar atmosphere

Special focus on a glass of beer on top of a wooden bar, with more drinks, people and an ashtray with a lit cigarette, under a dim yellow light.

Full moon on halloween night, loop video

Eerie atmosphere of Halloween night with a full moon shining through a spooky forest. This 3D animation is perfect for adding a touch of horror to your video projects.

A young smiling woman wearing flickering headphones with kitty ears is dancing energetically over a colorful purple background

In the lively scene, the young woman exudes joy as she moves with fluid grace, her vibrant headphones adorned with playful kitty ears catching the light. Each movement is a burst of energy against the backdrop of swirling hues of purple, creating an atmosphere of playful spontaneity and uninhibited happiness.

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