382 Free Ball Stock Videos

All ball stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Sport, Sportswear, Court, Football, Soccer, Close Up and Man.

Men coming to play soccer football

Young people walking on a soccer football field with a ball and goalkeeper gloves, with trees around during a sunny day.

One on one in a soccer game

One on one in a soccer game, which ends with a shot on goal stopped by the goalkeeper, in a semi-professional game.

Bored young office workers in an office

Employees dressed in suits, bored and playing with a small ball, in an office with a desk, a computer, and a shelf full of folders.

Close shot of a soccer player shooting a penalty

Close up shot of a soccer ball as a player kicks a penalty kick hard, during a semi-professional match at night.

Skilled basketball player shooting baskets, training alone

Skilled basketball player scoring the ball with great technique, while training alone on a covered court.

Player dribbling in a one on one, in a soccer game

Player dribbling in a one on one, in a soccer game, on a semi-professional field, in a shot from inside the field, at sunset.

Man with his dog watching the sunset on the horizon

Man sitting with his dog to the side, he holds out his hand with a ball, while he watches the sunset on the horizon peacefully.

Penalty kick seen from behind the goal nets

Take from behind the nets of a goal of a penalty kick and goal, in a semi-professional soccer match, during the night.

Soccer players playing on a field

Playing soccer while a striker shoots and the goalkeeper stops the shot, during a sunny day with large trees around.

Goal play in a semi-professional soccer game

Skillful team play that ends in a goal, in a semi-professional soccer game, in a shot from inside the field.

Hands of a soccer team making a cheer

Close up shot of the hands of a motivated soccer team cheering on a sunny soccer field before the start of a match.

Basketball player dribbling ball

A person wearing black basketball sneakers and black and white basketball shorts dribbles a basketball in between his widespread legs.

Soccer player juggling the ball with great skill

Soccer player juggling the ball with great skill doing Around the world with the ball, on a semi-professional soccer field at night.

Player accommodating the ball and shooting a penalty

Soccer player setting the ball at the white spot on a grass field and shooting a penalty, in a close shot, at night.

Play between two teams in a soccer match

Played in a soccer game between two teams with skilled players on a semi-professional soccer field with synthetic turf.

Skilled footballer demonstrating ball juggling prowess

Talented soccer player juggling the ball in a close up shot of his feet, on a semi-professional soccer field.

Tennis players at an outdoor court

Two tennis players practice at an outdoor court, a clear sky, trees and floodlights in the background.

Street football players practicing crosses and shots

A football player juggling the ball and then passes it on to his partner who receives the ball and without dropping it to the ground shots at the goal.

Semi-pro soccer game

Semi-professional soccer game in a shot at grass level inside the field, during the night on a synthetic grass field.

Basketball player dribbling then dunking

A tracking shot of a street basketballer bouning as they enter the key and dunk the basketball in the ring.

From a profile view a young woman focuses on her fitness session with the medicine ball at the gym

From a profile view, a young woman intensely focuses on her fitness session with a medicine ball at the gym. Her athletic build and snug workout attire highlight her fluid movements as she performs lunges and throws.

Footballer headbutting the ball

Footballer playing with the ball with his head on an urban court at night.

Portrait of a strong basketball player with a ball

Portrait of a strong basketball player in a team uniform, spinning a ball on his finger while looking confidently into the camera.

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