66 Free Bank Stock Videos

All bank stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Money, Credit card, Currency, Dollar, Online shopping, Shopping and Cash.

People walking in front of a building

People walking to their work in the morning in front of a building in a city's financial area.

One dollar bill in detail

Crumpled American dollar bill. Money seen in close detail, with folds, letters and printing lines.

Swans swimming on the banks of a river

Swans swimming on the banks of the Vltava river in Prague, with a beautiful bridge in the distance and the beautiful architecture of the city, during a sunset.

A person wearing an anonymous mask sits relaxed on a chair in front of a bank of computer screens

A person with long blond hair and wearing an anonymous mask sits relaxed on a chair in front of a bank of computer screens with green text

Aerial tour over the bank of a river

Slow low air travel over the shore of a calm river, covered by abundant trees and other vegetation, in the afternoon.

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