51 Free Bat Stock Videos

All bat stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Halloween, Horror, Violence, Gangster, Scary, Killer and Portrait.

Batter hits a baseball

Slow motion video from behind as a baseball batter hits the ball.

Man with his face made up as a skull

Portrait of a young man with his face painted as a skull with a bat looking at the camera, on a dark blue background.

Young man dressed as a skull with a bat

Young man dressed as a skull, pointing at the camera with a bat, on a blue background, under colored lights.

Man dressed as a traditional Mexican catrin holding a bat

Man dressed as a skull with makeup, holding a bat over his shoulder, in a close-up shot of him, on a blue background.

A woman destroys an old TV with a baseball bat

A woman wearing black tights and a ski mask destroys an old TV with a baseball bat on the porch of a deteriorated house at night.

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