11 Free Big Apple Stock Videos

All big apple stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out New York, Building, Time lapse, Traffic, United States, Car and City Light.

Busy street in the city

Fast motion shot of a busy street with people and cars crossing in the city

New York buildings at night, pan shot

Front shot of New York buildings at night, with the reflection of buildings fading above, like seeing them from a window.

New York City View at Night

View of New York City at night from Brooklyn Bridge with cars and clouds passing at high speed

New York buildings at night

Front view from a high altitude of New York City on a night with clouds, buildings of various sizes with illuminated windows, and in the background on the right is the Empire State Building lit green.

Brooklyn Bridge with car traffic

View of the brooklyn bridge with car traffic passing underneath and the new york city skyline in the background on a clear day

Traffic light directing traffic

Traffic lights in New York City leading traffic at an intersection with cars passing by, parked cars and pedestrians crossing the street.

Panoramic view of Manhattan buildings

Panoramic view of Manhattan from above on a sunny day, while the shadows of the clouds are cast on the buildings.

High point of view of Manhattan city

Panoramic view of Manhattan city from the air on a sunny day, while the shadows of the clouds are cast on the buildings. High view of architecture of a city.

City nightlife

High view of Manhattan at night, the cars go through the streets and the different buildings with lights in their windows.

Slicing an apple

Close-up view on the hands of a young woman slicing an apple with a large knife on a wooden cutting board.

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