2200 Free Black Stock Videos

All black stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Black Background, Close Up, Woman, Black Man, Man, Slow Motion, Black and White and Medium Shot.

Slowly approaching a clock on a black background

Slowly approaching a black wall clock with a white dial on a dark background, while its hands move very quickly.

Black ink splashing

Black ink splashes randomly on a white background and expands, forming one large blot.

Burning lava particles leaping through the air

Shot of ashes and burning lava particles leaping through the air glowing fiery colors on a dark background.

Single black splatter

White background and a single splatter of black ink lands in the center and begins to expand.

A young woman wearing futuristic VR glasses focuses on an unseen task making subtle movements with her hads

A young woman, immersed in a realm of advanced technology, wears sleek and futuristic VR glasses that encase her eyes in a digital dimension. Dressed in modern white attire and white hair, she channels her focus into an unseen task, her every movement translated into the virtual realm. Subtle and precise, her hands execute a delicate dance, manipulating unseen elements.

Fire background with flames moving to the centre

Flames rising from the sides of the video towards the center, a black background behind them.

Banknotes falling on a dark background

Many denomination bills falling on a dark background, seen up close, while some spin in the air, others just fall.

Digital animation of screens

Digital animation of screens showing film and tv related static distortion and countdowns.

Black ink splattered

White background, and two large splatters of black liquid land and begin to expand.

Intense fire burning coal

Intense fire burning coal, lighting it crimson, seen in detail, as sparks shoot out of combustion.

Red particles falling

Red particles out of focus, fall on a black background.

City traffic on bridges and streets

Road traffic in a big city, with a couple of peripheral floors, with many cars speeding by, in black and white.

White particles moving on black background

White particles moving on camera on a black background, and some blurred hexagons.

Black and white ink underwater

Black ink in the water with white background. Black ink expanding. Black ink injected in water on white background. Use for abstract ink effect, transition or beautiful background.

Face of a woman in a terrifying costume

Face of a young woman with a terrifying costume, with a painted face, and a pupil, and white hair and eyes.

Abstract smoke background with texture

Abstract smoke textures reflected with black background

Bubbles of water rising to the surface

Small bubbles in the water rising to the surface. Light tones, black and white.

Lighting candles in the dark

Lighting round and together candles in the dark with a long lighter.

Underwater pink ink shot

Video of a shot of blended pink ink in the background of water on a black background, while creating beautiful smoke-like shapes.

Curving a road while cars speeding by

Curve in a road surrounded by gardens and trees with cars speeding by, in black and white.

Black ink on white background

Black ink splashes and expands on a white background.

Walking of a person on the path of a forest

Person walking along a stone path with dry leaves, in a forest with many trees and bushes.

Mirror effect of flames burning on a black background

Mirror effect of red flames with horizontal alignment burning on a black background.

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