545 Free Black and White Stock Videos

Add a level of timelessness and sophistication to your next video with a monochrome clip. Black and white videos can transport your viewers to another time and place. The absence of color will let the movement do the talking as you choose between an abstract scene to a group of dancers in this collection. Set the mood and enjoy the old style entertainment of black and white. All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Woman, Texture, Black Background, Slow Motion, Portrait and Abstract.

Black ink splashing

Black ink splashes randomly on a white background and expands, forming one large blot.

City traffic on bridges and streets

Road traffic in a big city, with a couple of peripheral floors, with many cars speeding by, in black and white.

Black and white ink underwater

Black ink in the water with white background. Black ink expanding. Black ink injected in water on white background. Use for abstract ink effect, transition or beautiful background.

Face of a woman in a terrifying costume

Face of a young woman with a terrifying costume, with a painted face, and a pupil, and white hair and eyes.

Abstract smoke background with texture

Abstract smoke textures reflected with black background

Bubbles of water rising to the surface

Small bubbles in the water rising to the surface. Light tones, black and white.

Curving a road while cars speeding by

Curve in a road surrounded by gardens and trees with cars speeding by, in black and white.

Plume of smoke in lower third

A white plume of smoke travels from the bottom of the screen in front of a black background

Scary woman seeing through the window

Scary woman with dark dress and long black hair seeing through the window at an abandoned building.

Smoke effect over black background

Smoke on a black background swirls in motion.

Representation of a man tormented by his demons

Black and white conceptual representation of a man tormented by his demons, showing concern, on a white cloth background with hands touching it.

Road of a city with many cars at night

Panorama of the road of a city with many cars speeding by, and a large peripheral, in black and white.

Praying people holding hands, black and white shot

Black and white video of an auditorium with people praying holding their hands up while closed their eyes, blurred or unfocused people praying in the background.

White and black ink underwater

Abstract reverse video of black ink shot on the water with white background. Black ink expanding. Black ink inject in water on white background. Use for ink effect, transition or beautiful colorful background. Mirror effect. Reverse effect.

Expanding white ink

Black background, two spots of white ink begin to expand.

Two thieves recorded on a security camera

Two hooded robbers in an apartment room, quickly stuffing gadgets into their backpacks, taken from a security camera.

Black background with smoke foreground

White smoke slowly moving across a black background.

Dancing ballet in the dark

Woman dancing ballet in the dark under the volumetric light that enters through the cracks in the window.

Abstract video of a liquid with dark ink flowing

Abstract black and white video of the texture of a thick transparent liquid, with bubbles and a very dark ink flowing rapidly on a white background.

A panting border collie receives a small treat on its muzzle

A panting black and white Border Collie canine receives a small treat on its muzzle, savoring the reward with delight.

Man playing guitar in the dark

Close view of the hands of a male guitarist playing an accoustic guitar in the dark on black and white shot.

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