18 Free Braids Stock Videos

All braids stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Woman, International Womens Day, Outdoor, Black Woman, Portrait, Hairstyle and Beauty.

Woman with braids watching the landscape in the countryside

Black-haired woman with short braids and a denim blouse contemplating the countryside landscape with a smile on a cloudy day

Young woman taking photos in the field

Black-haired woman with short braids wearing a denim jacket taking photos with a vintage camera in the countryside on a cloudy day

Woman on a video call in the woods

Smiling woman with cowboy hat and short braids holding her phone on a video call in the forest with stones in the background

Woman taking photos of a tree in the fields

Woman with jeans and short braids walking and taking photos of a tree in the fields standing on a large gray stone

Woman making faces at the camera with a countryside background

Woman in cowboy hat and braids holds the camera, grimaces and smiles with the field out of focus in the background on a cloudy day

Bottles of craft beer from different brands

Glass bottles of different sizes, colors and shapes, seen carefully, one in front of the other, and blurred by being cold.

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