26 Free Build Stock Videos

All build stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Building, Woman, City, Construction, Crane, Japan and Architecture.

Cranes build a stage in a city in Japan

View of a city in Japan during a sunny day from a field with grass and trees on its banks, while a pair of cranes build a stage, in the background you can see the cars passing by and the small and medium-sized buildings with the clear blue sky behind.

From a profile view a young woman focuses on her fitness session with the medicine ball at the gym

From a profile view, a young woman intensely focuses on her fitness session with a medicine ball at the gym. Her athletic build and snug workout attire highlight her fluid movements as she performs lunges and throws.

A young woman wearing black sportswear outfit drinking refreshing water form a bottle

A young woman, dressed in a black sportswear outfit, takes a moment to drink refreshing water from a bottle. Her athletic build and focused expression reflect her dedication to fitness.

Sidewalk of a big city in a rotating shot

Sidewalk of a big city with cars, people and many I build around it, in a shot that turns slowly until be upside down.

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