50 Free Taxi Stock Videos

All taxi stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Tax, Traffic, Car, Pedestrian, New York, City and Static Shot.

Times Square during a rainy night

Times Square during a rainy night, cars pass by, pedestrians cross the street with umbrellas in hand and in the background, the buildings and the publicity in them light the street.

Traffic on a rainy night

New York street on a rainy night, the asphalt reflects the lights, while cars, motorcycles, taxis and people pass by.

Busy street in the city

Fast motion shot of a busy street with people and cars crossing in the city

Times Square during a sunny day

Shot from the center of the street in Times Square on a sunny day, as cars pass by, people walk on sidewalks, buildings as far as the eye can see, and illuminated signs covering them.

Woman doing accounts on a calculator

Hands of a woman doing accounts on a calculator, while writing and confirming her data on some sheets, on a coffee table with a small plant.

Frustrated woman throws paperwork on the floor

Brunette girl in a green shirt frustrated with her work, throws her sheets on the floor of her living room and puts her hands on her head.

Brooklyn Bridge with car traffic

View of the brooklyn bridge with car traffic passing underneath and the new york city skyline in the background on a clear day

Traffic jam on a highway in a pine forest

Cars on a highway in slow traffic next to a pine forest during a cloudy afternoon.

Traffic light directing traffic

Traffic lights in New York City leading traffic at an intersection with cars passing by, parked cars and pedestrians crossing the street.

Street junction at night

Aerial shot of a street junction in Manhattan at night, as cars and people cross from one side to the other.

People on a busy beach

People on a busy beach with boats on the beach and buildings of Cabo San Lucas in the background and distant mountains

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