87 Free Spark Stock Videos

All spark stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Sparks, Sparkles, Close Up, Texture, Black Background, Industrial and Fire.

Fireworks at night sky

Colorful fireworks during a dark night.

Red particles falling

Red particles out of focus, fall on a black background.

Ink swirling in blue tones underwater

Swirling colors in water in blue and white tones. Art, motion, ink, liquid, rotation.

Yellow sparklers

Yellow sparks as seen from above, shooting out from a black background.

Sparks of fire on a black background

Sparks of fire sprouting on a dark background, while some are out of focus.

Fire particles on dark background

Defocused fire particles falling, on a dark background.

Coal consumed in fire

Detail shot of coal being consumed by fire.

Blue bubbles

Blue bubbles of different sizes moving slowly around the screen.

Gold sparklers

Gold sparks from above and from below, on a black background.

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