Facebook Templates for Premiere Pro

6 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Facebook. All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Facebook Title With Likes

Premiere Pro / project

A bold title block which prompts the user to view a Facebook page, with an animated like count.

Facebook Lower Third for streaming

Premiere Pro / project

A simple lower third for Facebook gaming to advertise a stream and starting time.

Facebook Call Out Prompt

Premiere Pro / project

A simple call out animation for liking a page on Facebook.

Boxed Facebook Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Left-aligned logo. Headline text box and subheading. Animated in from the left.

Drop-In Facebook Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Headline text drops in and the Facebook logo moves upwards to meet in the middle.

End screen for YouTube with social media

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Subscription end screen with one video preview, logo space, heading and Facebook, Instagram and Twitter icons for social media user names.

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