531 Free Athlete Stock Videos

All athlete stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Sport, Training, Exercise, Gym, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle and Woman.

Slow motion video of a boxing fight

Slow motion shot of a semi-professional practice fight in a gym between two young boxers.

Male alpinist climbing a rocky mountain

Male amateur mountaineer climbing a rocky mountain with the help of a rope and a harness, in an aerial shot.

Man and a woman gym-goers stretching

Athletic and strong woman and man, sitting on the floor while stretching together, in a gym with equipment and weights of all kinds.

Silhouette of man drinking water

A silhouette of a man drinking water from a plastic bottle with the sunset and the sky with clouds in the background.

Young man hitting the punching bag at a gym

A young man showcases his athleticism and boxing skills as he vigorously hits the punching bag at a gym.

Strong woman training weightlifting in a gym

Strong woman with sports clothes, training weightlifting, in a gym with stationary bikes and a couple of shelves with many weights of all kinds.

Man doing pull ups

A man wearing black shorts does pull ups on bars at a gym, releases the bar and walks away from the equipment.

Boxers hitting in a fight

Pair of boxers fighting in a ring in a slow motion shot with the athletes fighting fiercely.

Athletic woman and man running through the woods

Athletic women and men running through the woods, on the banks of a river, in a close-up shot of their legs.

Female mountaineer climbing a rock with skill

Female mountaineer skillfully climbing a rock, in an aerial shot that slowly surrounds her, outside in an arid ecosystem.

Skillful mountain climber climbing up a big rock

Skillful mountaineer climbing a huge rock reaching the top, in an aerial shot, with an arid landscape around.

Mountain climber climbing a huge rock

Mountain climber climbing a huge rock with the help of a harness and a rope and accompanied by a woman, in a shot from above.

Athletic man jumping a platform in a gym

Athletic man training in a gym, jumping a wooden platform several times, surrounded by many machines and exercise equipment.

Portrait of an exhausted and happy woman in a gym

Portrait of an exhausted athletic woman after working out in a gym, wiping off sweat with her hand and then turning and smiling happily at the camera.

Injured boxer sitting in the ring

Sad and pensive boxer hurt his face from the blows while sitting in a corner of the ring.

Man throwing barbells to the floor

Epic shot of a crossfit athlete dropping a barbell to the floor of a neon-lit gym.

Athletic couple in functional training

Epic shot of a couple of crossfit athletes jumping wooden boxes at a modern gym with neon lights.

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