Instagram Templates for Premiere Pro

51 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Instagram. Give your Instagram followers something to talk about with these stylish, free Instagram Story templates for Premiere Pro. It's never been easier to share your stories, entertain your followers, and look this good! All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Spinning Text Quote

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Multiple text transitions with an animated shape background.

Headline Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A large heading and left-aligned subheading. Smaller text tagline and swipe icon.

Angled Banner Quote

Premiere Pro / mogrt

An angled banner with inset quotations, headline and border elements.

Striped Video Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Angled banner containing three headings. Animated striped background with video.

Hashtag Banner Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Rotating text banner which transitions into a tagline wall.

Vintage Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A vintage design, bold text and tagline.

Border Art Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Gradient banners inset at an angle with vertical text, headings and video mask.

Travel Board Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated travel style information board with text and arrows transitions into a headline container with an animated background.

Rounded Text Quote

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A background of round text animations and middle headlines which fall in.

Sale Price Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Focus box with image, buy prompt button and main headline.

Triangular Story Box

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Angled shapes with a drop shadow effect. Left aligned text and a read more button.

Animated Round Quote

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Masked video with a circular design. Animated graphics and framed border.

Simple Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Video background with a swipe prompt. Headline and subheading.

Abstract Flowers Text Quote

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A fast moving text animation with abstract flower patterns.

Minimal Banner Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Two solid heading boxes with a subtle overlay. Video background and retro border outline.

Paper Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Elegant headline box with a paper effect background. Two color layers and a swipe prompt.

Fall In Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

An animated heading and subheading falls into the frame. Followed by two smaller headings and a swipe prompt.

Video Story Box

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Video box with a gradient text box below. Large outlined headings with a border.

Big Quote Story Box

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Large quotations and double lines. Small video container and text field.

Gradient Lines Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple Instagram story. Multi-line, bold headings with a gradient background.

Vibrant Shapes Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated shape background with a headline container, arrows and a single tagline.

Sale Story Board

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Multiple animated shapes, heading and subheading with a tagline.

Bold Quote Box

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple quote field with an underlined tagline and line background.

Bold Instagram Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A bold headline with a two stone subheading and swipe icon.

Quality artist-created Premiere Pro templates

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