Titles Templates for Premiere Pro

268 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Titles. From professional title templates for youtube to to wedding animations for that special day, show and tell your story with our collection of amazing free Premiere Pro title templates. All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Background Transition Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Heading and subheading with two different backgrounds which move in from the left behind the text.

Large Text Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Varying headline text sizes, transition between solid and bordered text effects.

Middle Headline Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated title heading, with a split animation and middle text.

Floating Orbs Opener

Premiere Pro / project

An animated liquid shape effect opener with floating orbs. Ending with a logo frame.

Falling Border Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated vertical line with four headings. Transitions in from the bottom and falls out.

About text box

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Text box with title and description that slides down from a line.

Cupid Heart Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Modern line title with an animated border. Two headings separated by a heart and arrow.

Animated Pill Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Headline style, with a solid border and rounded edges. Simple subheading and animated clearance.

Burning animated title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated title burning with cartoon flames. The letters of the title wave by the heat.

Glitch Heading Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Single heading with a glitch transition into a single subheading.

Simple Rise Logo

Premiere Pro / project

A simple rise animation in the middle of the frame.

Rotating Glitch Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Digital glitch effect, with rotating text transition.

Lower third with three text boxes

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Lower third with three text boxes in the shape of rectangle appearing and disappearing while they slide.

Hidden Text Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Kinetic text effect, hidden text block with a split out effect.

Upwards Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Simple heading with an upwards intro animation and subheading background.

Golden Floral Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A rounded logo style design with an animated, golden floral design. With particle animation.

Ink Chase Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated ink line which races around the middle of the frame, bumping into three lines of text.

Cartoon Smoke Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Cartoon smoke rises from the middle of the frame, revealing text. Before a second smoke effect transitions out.

Outlined framed title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Outlined framed title with three text lines, one of them in outline style, and the top and bottom lines with bold letters.

Split Line Heading Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

An angled bar uncovers half of the text and clears it once the animation has completed.

Title in a focus square

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Title with bold letters framed on a focus square.

Word Switch Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Multi-line heading block, with a word transition effect.

Elegant Golden Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A rectangular shape, gold leaf finish effect and elegant pattern. With particle animation.

Distorted Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A distorted square intro effect. Heading and subheading, with an animated exit.

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