70 Free 4K Animal Stock Videos

All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Pet, Dog, Slow Motion, Close Up, Nature, Dog Owner and Pet Owner.

Macaw parrot feeding on a branch

Macaw parrot of red, blue and green colors, feeding on a tree branch, in captivity on a sunny day.

Dog catches a ball in a river

A person stands in a river with trees in the background and throws a ball for a white dog to catch.

Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake

A group of flamingos on the shore of a beautiful lake in an environment covered in wet vegetation, during a sunny day.

Parrots on a branch in a nature reserve

Pair of green parrots perched on a branch, in the middle of a natural environment on a sunny day, while they move their tongues.

A woman walks through a park with a dog

A woman walks through a park next to a brown and white dog, with the sun poking through trees in the background.

Green vailed chameleon seen from one side

Closeup video of a green chameleon seen from one side. A chameleon moving its eye, with dark background. Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus).

Black scorpion walking closeup

Black scorpion walking on pieces of wood. Scorpion, scorpion sting, pincers, animals.

Dog sitting on log

A brown and white collie sits on a log, with another log and plants in the background.

White, blue-eyed cat

Close-up of a white, blue-eyed cat looking around.

Smiling dog

A brown and white dog smiles at the camera, then looks to the side before staring at the camera again.

Black cat with yellow eyes

Extreme close-up of a black cat blinking yellow eyes.

Lizard over a trunk at nature closeup

A lizard resting on a trunk at nature. Animals in their habitat. Agama, small dragon, iguana.

A woman with her dog watching the sunset

A woman with her dog, watching from above, the city in the distance, while the sun sets on the horizon at dusk.

Swans swimming on the banks of a river

Swans swimming on the banks of the Vltava river in Prague, with a beautiful bridge in the distance and the beautiful architecture of the city, during a sunset.

Cow in a stable chewing its food

Close-up view of a cow in a stable surrounded by more cows, while it chews its food.

Green toad breathing with a dark background

A green toad breathing over a trunk with a dark background. A green frog, closing its eyes, Animals at nature.

Calves feeding in a meadow with grass

Group of calves of various sizes and colors in a meadow covered with grass, as they walk and feed.

Leopard gecko lizard closeup

Leopard gecko lizard with tongue out licking its lips.

Dachshund dog while hands caress it

Focus on the head of a dachshund dog looking directly at the camera as it turns everywhere and a person's hands hold it and caress its hair and ears.

Green chameleon standing on a log

Green chameleon standing on a log with 3 legs while is looking around.

A rancher and horse at a ranch

A person wearing a black cowboy hat, a denim jacket and blue jeans walks on a ranch holding the reigns of a brown and black horse walking next to them, trees and a small hill in the background.

Hermit crab walking on the sand

A hermit crab pokes out of its shell and starts walking on the sand.

Lizard breathing slowly over a trunk at nature

A lizard breathing slowly over a trunk at nature with close up shot. Animals in their habitat. Agama, small dragon, iguana. Brown lizard.

Man sitting on white horse

A man wearing a black cowboy hat, denim jacket, jeans and a plaid shirt sits on a white horse, palm trees and a clear sky in the background.

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