531 Free Athlete Stock Videos

All athlete stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Sport, Training, Exercise, Gym, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle and Woman.

Strong man doing sit-ups with a barbell

Strong and athletic man hanging with his hands from a bar to start doing sit-ups by raising his legs, in a gym.

A young couple jogging in nature uphill

Man and woman jogging in nature, in a forest with lots of vegetation and trees, in a shot from the ground.

Cheerleader boy lifting a girl on his hands

Cheerleader man lifts a girl to carry her standing on his hands, in an outdoor workout.

Close up to a boxing match

Close up in motion of a boxing match between two fighters with gloves in the ring of a gym.

Portrait of a boxer training

Close up to the face of a young boxer who throws fists at the camera quickly.

Practice fight between boxers

Amateur boxers start a practice fight by greeting each other in the gym ring.

A couple of cyclists riding calmly through nature

A couple of cyclists of a boy and a girl riding together calmly outside in nature through a forest, on a sunny day.

Tired female kickboxer resting after workout

Tired boxer after her training with sweat on her face while resting in the ring.

Kickboxer punching her coach

Female fitness kickboxer punching her coach with boxing gloves in the ring.

Fitness man throwing dumbbells to the floor

Tired fitness man throwing dumbbells to the floor after a hard crossfit workout.

Young gymnast doing an artistic dance

Talented gymnast girl in a leotard doing an artistic dance in an empty gym under an intense light from a spotlight.

Woman exercising by climbing a platform

Woman in sportswear, exercising by climbing up a thirty inch platform with small dumbbells in her hands, in a gym.

Cheerleader girl in pose on top of a pyramid

Cheerleader girl in pose, raising her arms on top of a pyramid, in training outdoors.

Girl stretching her body before exercising in a park

Girl in sportswear stretching her body before exercising surrounded by trees on a sunny day.

Young woman using an air bike in her workout

Slow-motion shot of a sportswoman using an air bike with effort in her workout.

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